For the love of helping people
It may seem unusual for a modern pharmaceutical company to base its actions on an altruistic philosophy. But that is very much the case with Cesra – and is something that sets us apart, both as a company and individuals: gearing all of our activities to the well-being of people everywhere.
Our products are based on natural active ingredients and components that have been produced sustainably without exploiting resources or workers in the growing regions.
This allows us to produce preparations that combine maximum effectiveness with a minimum of side-effects.
Using natural active ingredients and components is more complicated and often more expensive than resorting to synthetic substances. But our natural approach has been proven to have better tolerability and a greater healing impact.
An overarching humanitarian goal
An overarching humanitarian goal
At the same time, it is important for us to operate profitably. After all, the revenues that Cesra generates year after year do not end up swelling the coffers of any individual person, family, or shareholder. Unless these funds are reinvested in the future viability of the company, they are channeled entirely into its affiliated charitable Redel Foundation (Redel Stiftung) – to our knowledge this is the only constellation of its kind in Germany.
Every euro received by the foundation is used for its designated purpose – to help the victims of catastrophes, natural disasters, and war. Since being set up in 1988, the Redel Foundation has used Cesra’s revenues to work closely with Caritas International on countless humanitarian projects and other aid projects throughout the world.
Our maxim
“For the love of helping people”
is something that motivates us every day anew
Our medicines and medical cosmetics not only help our customers in a wholly natural way, but also help to fund the charitable work undertaken by the Redel Foundation worldwide.
Our maxim – “For the love of helping people” – is something that motivates us every day anew.
And we would love to share our enthusiasm with you!
Winner of the
SME Award for Social Responsibility
in Baden-Württemberg
We are extremely proud to have been awarded the SME Award for Social Responsibility in Baden-Württemberg – “Socially Engaged” for the second consecutive year.
With this award, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, Caritas Baden-Württemberg and Diakonie Baden-Württemberg pay tribute to our many years of working for the collective good – all for the love of helping people.
All revenue that is not reinvested in Cesra’s future viability or to safeguard the company is distributed to the charitable Redel Foundation affiliated with the company. The Redel Foundation makes a point of supporting long-term aid projects – regional, national and also worldwide in the case of humanitarian emergencies. It is involved in all kinds of projects that aim to bring about lasting changes in its local region and beyond. In this way, the company is instrumental in promoting a culture of togetherness and raises the bar for social responsibility in business.
The award emphasises that commercial success and social involvement go hand in hand at Cesra. It also shows that working for the common good sends a powerful message about socially minded and responsible corporate governance.
Once again awarded the
BSFZ seal for entrepreneurial innovation competence
by the Federal Ministry of Research and Development
At Cesra, we are always thinking about tomorrow. Our development team has been researching new phytopharmaceutical innovations for years. The BSFZ seal from the Federal Ministry of Research and Education proves that we are among the most innovative companies in Germany. Only companies that engage in research and development receive the seal from the Certification Office for Research Grants (BSFZ).
For more information about the BSFZ seal, visit the website of the Federal Ministry of Research and Education.